As a staunch conservative talking head, nothing gets the vein in my neck pounding harder than my fists on a locked restaurant door five minutes before closing time than wasting money on social programs. Let's start with the biggie. Education. I've said it before but if poor people don't deserve health care they sure as hell don't deserve my tax dollars going towards their education either.
"You can't afford a private school? Oh, I'm sorry. I guess you're just going to have to get a nine-to-five little Suzie. The world's a cold hard place and it's not getting any better any time soon. Take the training wheels off that 'My Little Pony' bike and pull yourself up by your little bootie straps kid."
Waiting for homework handouts now...They'll be waiting for welfare handouts later.
If we could free up all that waste from the social K-12 education programs we could up the amount of military resources from 40% of our tax dollars to somewhere closer to 60-75%. Oh, I hear your whining you bleeding heart liberals, "What about the kids? Wha whaaaa! Everyone deserves handouts!" Here's the deal you crybaby socialists, I got your handout right here: Throw all those kids that can't afford an education straight into the military. Oh, you think your stupid science book is heavy? How 'bout this M16A2 5.56mm, air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-fed, three-round-burst rifle? Well get used to it kid. This gun is your new best friend.
That's a little more like it.
One last word from on high. When people tell you the US military is the largest social program the world has ever seen, you punch them right square in their lying liberal mouths.
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